God Is in Her Hands

Here’s a recent podcast from This I Believe. Whatever your God-image is, this speaks to the power and sacredness of touch, and the ability to communicate love through our hands.

God Is in Her Hand


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Creating yourself


During a recent class discussion, I was attempting to get the idea across to the students that we all need to be less of ourselves and more of whatever it is we want to be. This excerpt is from Hazelden Meditations and says it very well.

“More of the same gets more of the same. What we were given to practice, we practiced. What we practiced, we became. What we became, we continue to become – only more so – every day of our lives. We can do ourselves a favor by being aware of what we practice. Has the past taught us to withdraw? Think of how isolated we’ll be twenty years from now! Have we practiced generalized distrust? Imagine how deep the roots of fear are growing.

“But there’s another side to that truth. If we practice finding beauty today, we’ll find twice as much beauty tomorrow. If we work on forgiveness today, tomorrow we may be free of resentments. If we choose to relate rather than isolate, we can walk with friends through all the years that stretch before us. What will the future bring? Whatever we have invested in it.”

And the same goes for massage therapy. When massaging inside or outside the classroom, practice some of the key elements that may be missing or underdeveloped in your practice.

How is your breathing? Do you notice at times you are holding your breath and gritting your teeth? Breathing slowly and comfortably is a good way the client can match your pattern, hence you both relax.

When performing a specific technique, is there any discomfort or pain in your body? If this is how you practice, then you are sending your brain erroneous signals such as, “I need to be in pain when performing massage … because that’s how I’m learning it.”

Let your instructor know immediately if you are uncomfortable performing any technique. There are always alternatives relating to: body mechanics, table height, hand placement, client positioning, therapist positioning, shifting weight, draping … or simply saying, this technique is not for me until I have a better understanding of what needs to be accomplished, or I’ll gladly refer to someone else.

Have you found a unique way to address a specific client problem or situation? We encourage you to share your victories as well as your challenges.

Communication with family, fellow students, instructors and school supervisors will enhance those skills. This will give you the courage and confidence you need to effectively communicate with your client when you are one to one.

Practice small steps, goals that can be easily reached. Remember to stretch yourself to and beyond your limits. In time, you will create the person you want to become.



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Graduation December 2011 Valedictorian Speech

This was the speech given by our valedictorian, Autumm King, at the December 2010 graduation: 

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. –Eleanor Roosevelt

Brent and Katherine, Dr. Eric Epstein, Rosie, Marissa, Chris, Denzel , all of the LSM staff members, family, friends, and fellow graduates today is a day to be thankful and inspired.

Here at Louisville School of Massage we have received an outstanding education in our field thanks to our experienced instructors. And we are now fully prepared to thrive in any of the wonderful Massage Therapy opportunities that awaits us rather it be at a salon/spa, chiropractic office, hospital, out of home, a sports team, holistic health clinic, health club, fitness center, nursing home, store fronts, shopping mall, or an airport.

Today is a turning point in each of our lives as we leave the school that has became our 2nd home over the past months/years.

For me it all began in 2008. I was in a transition with work and during my job search something popped out and grabbed my attention regarding Massage therapy. I stayed glued to my computer for hours searching the school and career information sites. I then began to talk to others about it. I wasn’t approved for the student loan on my own standing and would toy with the idea of getting a co-signer. Massage therapy kept re-entering my thoughts. Finally I got the nerve up to ask a family member to co-sign and to my surprise she immediately agreed. That fall I began MassageI with Chris and Denzel as my instructors. That first class is when I fell in love with massage therapy and the more I learned only fueled my attraction for the work. I’ve managed a hectic schedule of balancing 2 jobs the last 2 years and never would have realized how much learning and studying goes into becoming a massage therapist but it has only increased the values of our diplomas and all of us being here today makes all of the hard work more than worth it. LSM has not only given us a superior Massage Therapy education but has maintained a flexible, relaxed and fun atmosphere as well. Only at LSM do you get excited to go to class because you know you will be getting a massage. Only at LSM do you have a class where you are instructed to laugh (during laugh yoga), take a field trip to a salon to experience the wonders of a hot stone massage, go on a weekend trip to a cadaver lab in St. Louis to get a hands on understanding of the human body, participate in our student clinic for the acquaintance of being a professional and have an extraordinary involvement in our community with our many practicum placements.
During our days at LSM we’ve all had to balance other priorities and events such as weddings, relationships, funerals, work, and children but our dedication to our future as Massage Therapists has given us aim.
I think my classmates would agree that we have all had one incredibly powerful and positive SHIFT from our days at Louisville School of Massage and would like to wish absolute success to my fellow graduates.
I would now like to close with a poem:
Climb ‘Til Your Dream Comes True
by: Helen Steiner Rice

Often your tasks will be many,
And more than you think you can do.
Often the road will be rugged
And the hills insurmountable, too.
But always remember,
The hills ahead
Are never as steep as they seem,
And with Faith in your heart
Start upward
And climb ’til you reach your dream.
For nothing in life that is worthy
Is ever too hard to achieve
If you have the courage to try it,
And you have the faith to believe.
For faith is a force that is greater
Than knowledge or power or skill,
And many defeats turn to triumph
If you trust in God’s wisdom and will.
For faith is a mover of mountains,
There’s nothing that God cannot do,
So, start out today with faith in your heart,
And climb ’til your dream comes true!

on Monday · Delete Post

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